Thursday, 24 December 2015

The role of District Training Officer always with my guide dog Flora by my side,

Carol with her faithful and trusted guide dog 
Flora who is always on duty

The role of DTO has given me the opportunity to oversee all the units within my area to maintain standards and training for all volunteers. Alongside DTO  I have also continued to be a trainer, this in itself means that I can still take an active role within the units and that other volunteers can see that having any disability is not a barrier within the organisation.

Since taking on the role of the DTO has given me a much deeper involvement within the educational training programme.  I now have to be more involved at district and regional meetings. I link between the unit managers, area managers and the regional training team. The role of the DTO has given me the opportunity to oversee all the training requirements within my area to maintain training for all volunteers of all ages.

On taking on the DTO role it has kept me abreast of all new changes within the training programme and has not in any way stopped me from continuing as a trainer delivering a variety of modules to all age groups within the organisation. I would recommend taking on any new challenge whether it be in the educational team or providing first aid cover. I have also been invited onto the newly formed Learning forum, NHQ London, so watch this space.

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