Monday, 18 January 2016

Carol & Flora denied a Taxi CannockTaxi (Staffordshire England)

I am severely visually impaired and require the assistance of my guide dog Floraor other mobility aid in order to make journeys independently. Through this blog, I would be grateful if I could share my experience twelve months ago and its consequence, particularly to warn other guide dog users.

On 19th December 2014 , I had been in Cannock (Staffordshire England) and needed to get  home to Burntwood after work. I approached the Cannock taxi rank from High Green with my guide dog and spoke to the driver of the first available  taxi. I asked if I could have a taxi and the driver informed me that he was waiting for a pre booked fare and was therefore unable to take me. I was surprised that he said this as he was on the rank.
Flora Dressed for Work


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